Catalogue of limousine heifers - Osík 9. 11. 2024
NATURAL create new dairy catalogue for year 2025, where you can find our offer of bulls of following breeds HOLSTEIN catalogue
FLECKVIEH and others catalogue
Our catalogue is free for download via link below: 30.05.2024
We would like offer new belgian blue bull Champion. Champion is white and easy calving. He was evalueted with 86 points by basic selection.
Bull Show 15th of May
NATURAL create new dairy catalogue for year 2024, where you can find our offer of bulls of following breeds HOLSTEIN catalogue
FLECKVIEH and others catalogue
Our catalogue is free for download via link below: 30.08.2023
Elixir is scoring well on US TPI index
No-Pe Elixir was born in the Czech Republic, but the origin of the cow family from which he comes can be found in the American cow Ufm-Dubs Sam Erin EX-90. Elixir has very good domestic breeding values, but it is also interesting, that he works well in the USA. The value of the
With this value, he is currently the highest ranked active Czech bull. The Elixir is a significant improver of the percentages of milk components. At the same time, Elixir is a very complete improver of all type traits . All the parameters of the fitness traits are also fine. Elixir is suitable for inseminating heifers too. Elixir is in excellent condition and even though he is only a yearling bull, we have produced both conventional and sexed insemination doses yet. 02.06.2023
NATURAL creates new beef bull directory, which you can see online via following links: 24.11.2021
NATURAL create new dairy catalogue for year 2023, where you can find our offer of bulls of following breeds HOLSTEIN catalogue
FLECKVIEH and others catalogue
Our catalogue is free for download via link below: 03.01.2023
NATURAL creates new beef bull directory, which you can see online via following links: 19.12.2022
PF 2023
Natural want to show you new Dairy sire catalogue for year 2021. You can find bulls breeds Holstein, Fleckvieh, Jersey, Brown-Swiss and Ayrshire in it. Catalogue is available online via link --> 06.11.2020
Turbon is Hurly's second highest son in the joint calculation of breeding values (Czech Republic + Austria + Germany). We can also appreciate the qualities of mothers in his origin. Both cows, mother and mother of the mother, have an excellent exterior and their formation of udders is evaluated at the top level. Turbon fulfills the requirements for the father of bulls with its parameters and is used for insemination of embryo donors. He can also be recommended for insemination of heifers. He is also suitable for systems with milking robots. The genomic breeding values for meat performance of sons are also perfect. 26.10.2020
Bruno comes from the important Czech cow family Amalka , so he has the same maternal pedigree as for example Avar. This cow family excels especially in high milk production and this is no different in the case of mother Bruno. His father Semino now received the first results of proof on his daughters in August and turned out as TOP 1 bull in Germany. Bruno is currently the number 1 SIH Holstein bull and he is used as the father of bulls. We do not find any mistake in his profile of breeding values and he is a complete improver. A bonus is his optimal genetic basis for the quality of milk proteins BB kappa casein and A2A2 beta casein. 07.10.2020
Bridge is our new star and hot sire of sons. He is polled red holstein bull with interesting background. His father is black and whitte canadian bull Santorius with very good indexes. Both next bulls in the pedigree of Bridge are bulls from our selection programm Alchemist and Origin. The mother of Bridge carry very good milk production, health, reproduction and type. Bridge is very good improver of milk and all fitness traits. We expect very good exterior of his daughters too. Because of his polledness together with very high genomic breeding values we expect high demand from black and whitte herds too. 09.07.2020
We want to introduce you new limousine bull from our offer, FAVORI PP. This bull is homozygous polled so you can expect 100% his calves polled! Video link is below. . . 15.06.2020
Now you can watch this amazing bull on our YouTube channel. Link below. 15.06.2020
Caelum belongs to very first sons of SUPERSHOT worldwide. We can not find too many extremes in his breeding values profile. He is very balanced sire with very good overall results. Howewer, we shall bring our attention to his breeding value for frame + 0,76 showing that we do not have to be worry of big frames of his progeny. This trait results in very good breeding value for feed efficiency + 154. Caelum carries more strenght that stature, which is desirable to current Holstein population. Now you can watch Caleum on our YouTube channel, link is below. 09.04.2020
Miles is a heterozygous polled fleckvieh bull and therefore in the case of use on horned cows, we can expect half of the hornless offspring. The source of polled gene is his father Moremi. Unlike Moremi, Miles is an udder improver. Due to its completness, Miles is one of the best available polled fleckvieh bulls. He improves milk, milk components and meat performance, as well as general fitness traits. We especially appreciate his excellent breeding values for daughter fertility. We will not find any mistake in the portfolio of type traits too. We must emphasize his excellent preconditions for the strength of the front udder attachment. He is one of the few bulls with an optimal frame, rump angle, feet and legs, thickness and placement of the teats. Thanks to his completeness, we can recommend Miles to the daughters of a wide range of bulls. No undesired genes or haplotypes need to be considered in the mating plan. According to the estimation of genomic breeding values, Miles should also be usable for insemination of heifers. 06.11.2019
New homozygos polled Beef Simmental available! Drak PP is extraordinary in all aspects of breeding. He is a son of former TOP 1 in Germany, Hoeness, from Adriana Agrochyt, who belonged to top cows in Czech Republic recently. Drak passed performance test in Osik and his results were unbeliavable: 286 kg in 120 days, 461 kg in 210 days and 665 kg in 365 days. His weight in 120 days is a proof of the quality of his mother. Being awarded by 92 points in selection for breeding, Drak has got doublessly the best exterior available. He has been the best awarded bull (counting all breeds) in the Czech Republic in 2019! Moreover, his breeding value for growth is 139 and for muscularity 124.
New beef catalogue from Natural!
MOGUL - proven Fleckvieh with growing GZW
Unique Balmachie Rodger to ISB Hradistko, Natural!
Homozygos polled Charolais - CEINTUR PP
Natural would like to invite you to the Bull Show in Hradistko, which takes place 23th of May 2018 at 13:00.
Dairy catalogue 2018 now avaliable!
Holstein, Fleckvieh, Dairy Simmental, Montbeliarde, Jersey and Brown-Swiss bulls.
Progeny & Genomic tested
We offer polled, kappa casein, beta casein tested bulls
Contact us on: in the case on any question.
After the last proof update have got VERDI P some new very good numbers. Some bulls in the USA are not pure 6-7 generations Jerseys. If you take them away,Verdi will ranks as number 2 polled Jersey sire. If you include them, he would be still #9 ! You have chance to see the bull personally. You can meet him at our bull show 17.5.2017 at our A.I.station in Hradistko pod Mednikem.
Natural would like to invite you to the Bull Show, which taks the place 17th of May 2017.
Delivery of insemiantion doses to Bosnia and Herzegocivina - Donation in the frame of Czech development cooperation
Insemination doses of Aberdeen Angus, Limousine and Beef Simmental bulls and insemination equipment were delivered to Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. This delivery was a part of project "Development of system of beef cattle breeding in BiH", which is fund by Czech Development Agency in the frame of Czech developmen coordination. Hand-over ceremony was took place in Banja Luka in presence of representatives from Ministery of Agriculture of Republic of Srpska. The quality of donated doses was in accordance with the aim of the project - breeding and genetic progres of beef breeds in BiH.
Natural bought in Germany in auctionsale Fleckvieh bull Valor (gGZW 130). Valor is the son of Reumut, grandsire Rau. Valor has excellent breeding value for udder 127!
The new Dairy catalogue for season 2016 is prepared and you can download it from our web in pdf format.
New sire Abidol successfully passed National championship of the Limousine breed which took place in Ceske Budejovice in September 2014. The bull was born in June 15th, 2012 in Mr. Klemm´s herd. Abidol fulfills all desires of Limousine breeders: colour, outstanding legs, superior muscling and docility. The bull´s weight was 1,040 kgs and cross-weight was 152 cm in September 2014. Finally, Abidol got outstanding 92 points (out of 100) in exterior evaluation!
Semen is available.
Natural has new Dairy sires catalogue 2015. You can find it under the downloads.
Best daughter proven polled bull Ostretin Magua PP RC
Yes, with his 66 daughters, Ostretin Magua PP is really worldwide best daughter proven homozygous polled holstein bull. At his home country he reach 124,1 SIH. This is more than 2 standart deviations above breed average. He is best homozygous polled daughter proven bull in the USA too. He has 1788 TPI in this country. There are selection indexes of this TOP homozygous polled bull in next countries: Canada 2368 LPI, Italy 1717 PFT, Switzerland 123 GZW, The Netherlands 100 NVI, Germany 125 RZG, France 134 ISU, Great Britain 234 PLI. You can see that in August 2014 Ostretin Magua has almost the same TPI index as genomicaly tested TOP bull KULP-DALE GOLDEN PP-RED-ET (now 1805 TPI). It is about 1,5 years ago, when first 5 doses of semen Golden PP were sold at 10.000 USD per dose. Now both bulls are comparable, but Magua is daughter proven yet. With his daughters, Magua is better now, than most internationaly well known polled bull fahers of his generation (like Colt P).
Magua PP comes from respected US cow family Brand-View Manfred Miss VG 88. His grand dam was born in Ostretin farm from embryo imported from the USA.
Magua PP was originaly genomicaly tested in the USA with TPI 1821 in May 2012. Now he is daughter proven and his indexes are almost the same and production traits increase. If you will use Magua, you can be 100 % sure that all of his daughters will be polled. He is sure improver of milk production. His daughters have average stature and angularity. They easily move on their legs. Their udders are shallow and well attached. We can strongly recommend him as a calving easy bull.
In our offer of Beef Simmental you can find two new interesting bulls Godske P and Garfield P. The both of them were born in Denmark and completed here the test in the progeny test station with excellent results.
Very promising is Tuareg PP, he has very good results in Germany: RZF 121 and Bv for muscling 122 .
Charoalis bull Jock P is very good proven bull with easy calving. He has 158 daughters with BV for maternal effect 118! New bull in the offer is Verdel P with very interesting pedigree. He is son of great French bull Tamilly, the grandsire is Jock P. Veyr good muscling, high growth and excellent maternal traits - that is very promising combination.
In the new offer of Aberdeen Angus bulls you can find two new bulls, the both of them have red colour. Vray is coming from embryo bought in Canada. The second one Vizigot has Canadian-American pedigree too.
In the offer from Natural you can find five interesting Limousine bulls: Vigny P, Bolide P, Zako P and Nikolka.
Natural issued the new dairy catalogue for the year 2014. You can fint there our new great Holstein bulls Losteden and Laurin. Available are polled Holsteins too. New in the offer there is Montbeliarde Heron proven on the daughters. Natural offers Fleckvieh bulls with high genomic breeding values too. If are you interesting to send the catalogue by post, dont hesitate to contact us by e-mail:
New - semen of beef Shorthorn
In August we received new breeding values in most of important populations of holstein cattle. This is the date for interbull release too. American selection index TPI is undoubtedly well known and often used as a global index. Everybody knows what quality represent bulls with more than 2000 TPI. Especially if they are daughter proven. Natural now has 2 bulls at this level, Losteden and Laurin. Both of these bulls are descendants of excelent bull Jardin and are TOP 3 TPI sons of him. Losteden excels in genes for milk perfomance because combines exceptional milk and high percentages of fat and protein. Laurin is a very complete bull with balanced milk production, type and management traits. He is a grandson of famous French bull mother Remarlinda. Both bulls have no holes in profiles of their breeding values, they are free of Oman, Goldwyn, Shottle or Planet blood and they are suitable for insemination of heifers too. It is very easy to use Losteden and Laurin.
Natural has new Beef Sire Directory. You can download it. By your interst to send it by postal service dont hesitate to contact us by e-mail:
Magua homozygous polled Holstein bull received new genomic breeding values in US. Following this breeding vaalues is Magua one of the best homozygous polled Holstein bulls worldwide.
The tradition of Holstein breeding for polledness is deep in our company. Therefore, it is not surprising that, unlike most competitors, we can offer progeny proven holstein polled bulls. You could be much more sure about results in comparison with genomic proven bulls. At this moment we have very nice group of sons of Hickorymea Ottawa. One of them is red holstein bull Losthorn P. He comes from the French Uzes EX 96 cow family and offers outcross pedigree. His daughters are strong cows with good vitality and condition. They have enough of milk with low somatic cells and good fertility. Next one is high index bull Ostretin Kottawa P with total index SIH 120. He is a full brother of Ostretin Kott P. Kott is extreme improver of udders and his beauty daughters produce realy high milk with very low somatic cells. Both full brothers, Kottawa P and Kott P, come from well known cow family Petunia. Their grandmother Petunia VG 89 was chosen as the most popular bull dam by Holstein International magazine. The last son of Hickorymea Ottawa is Vilemov Kolt P who comes from the same cow family as the legendary bull Formation. He is fairly complete bull because of his good breeding values for production, feet and legs, udders and trouble free fitness traits. We recommend him for insemination of heifers, because we have not recived any reports about difficult calvings.
Popularity of polled holstein bulls grows, but it is not so easy to find homozygous polled bulls. One of the few such available bulls is Ostretin Magua PP. His semen is already used in several countries like US, Germany or Holland. Magua comes from the deep US cow family of Brandt-View Manfred Miss VG 88. Brandt-View Manfred Miss was on of the most succesfull bull mothers in the USA (by Specht Report from the Pennsylvania State University), but you can find her sons in Europe too (for expample second crop French bull Randview with 156 ISU). The granddam of Magua was born in a very good Czech Holstein herd Ostretin as a result of import of embryo from the US. Both, the dam and granddam were very productive cows with good type. Magua himself is genomic proven in the Switzerland. His biggest advantage is combination of high milk and longevity in one package. You could be absolutely sure about 100 % polled daughters, because Magua is homozygous polled and without any scours too. We can recommend him for heifers too.
KNS Milano (Manoman x Shottle) with high US genomic is new in our offer. Milano has GTPI 2212, 1606 lb of milk and nice exterior.
Natural has offer of Limousine semen with focus to polled genetic. You can easy to contact us per e-mail for more informations.
In our new catalogue of dairy bulls semen you can find breeds Holstein, red Holstein, Dairy Simmental, Montbeliarde, Ayrshire or Brown-swiss too.
Natural has in the offer only genetic polled beef Simmental bulls. We export with succes their semen to many European countries, including Denmark, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Slovakia and others.
Romeo was born at 38 kg birth weight. His father polled French improver Vizir (easy calving BV 108) and maternal grand father French improver Novotel (easy calving BV 107) make good precocity of ROMEO progeny calving.
Personally ROMEO performs rapid growth. Live weight 247 kg at 120 days shows very good milk ability of his mother. His overtrump is 401 kg at 210 days age. His triumph is 717 kg one year old. He finished his performance test at 860 kg with daily gain 1731 g. Estimation of BV for growth is 118. With 90 points (max. is 100) for exterior he was scored as the best bull of 2009 behind all 12 beef breeds in Czech Republic.
ROMEO is new promising genetics in easy calving and super growth. Try to test him parallel with Czech breeders in crossing and pure breeding as well!!!
Natural issued the new Dairy Sires Catalogue for the year 2011. You can find there some new interesting bulls. The first from them is O-Man's son Imalot, very strong bull without any mistakes. Between Red Holsteins shines Joyalist. Joyalist is the sun of Italian successful father Royalist, his grandsire is Tribute. This complete bull offers absolutely outcross pedigree for the Red Holstein population.
Natural prepared the new catalogue of beef breeds bulls. You can download it here. If you have interest to receive the catalogue per post, feel free to contact us.
Natural prepared the new catalogue of dairy breeds. You can find there offer of Holstein, Dairy simmental, Brown-swiss, Jersey and Ayrshire bulls from our breeding programs.
The bull Horty was declared as the bull of week on the German web pages The proven bull from the deep cow family, so was in Germany Horty described. Fantastic udders of his daughters, optimal rear legs side, ideal chest width or easy calving bull, there are the advantages of Horty. About Horty is interest also in the U.S., where he received register 225HO00016. Horty will be exported to Switzerland. This extremely successful bull can be found even in the catalogues in the Slovakia and Poland.
Horty is the best son of Morty in world
Milk crises – Natural complex beef program celebrates the success
Natural has really comprehensive program of beef breeds semen. Actually you can find 45 bulls of different 12 breeds in our English version of offer. We have at disposal all important breeds for industrial crossing but also breeds for extensive systems. We continue in polled breeding. Not only polled Charolais and beef Simmental but also 3 nice polled Limousine bulls are housed on our A.I. station. Polled Blond d´Aquitaine bull will come soon.
Mostly all our beef bulls have breeding values for growth available. Breeding values are calculated by National institute of animal husbandry from independent data collected by inspectors of Czech beef association. Breeding values in beef have the same importance as in dairy. It makes the user of semen sure about future rapid growth of born crossbred or purebred calves.
At the time of low prices of milk the demand for dairy heifers is decreased. Dairy breeders are reacting simply. They use more insemination with beef bull’s semen. Beef cross calves are easy sold with satisfaction of the price. By this way we are increasing beef inseminations here in Czech. Also demand for our beef semen is increasing rapidly from different European countries. Some months our expedition works hard in packing of semen and organization of transport.
Do you need a packet of different beef bulls with easy calving, high breeding values for growth and available price? Don’t be afraid to contact us for our offer.
Imperial is a bull with a large body frame and body
capacity. In the basic selection he was evaluated with
81 points for exterior. Imperial weighed 634 kg at one year, with a height at withers of 135 cm. He has a balanced exterior and we expect good growth in calves.
You can se AUCTION CATALOGUE here. 13.10.2023
We are happy to introduce you our new homozygously polled limousine star SYMPA PP that was imported from France. All information about this outstanding bull can be found in the offer list attached below. Sympa's insemination doses are now available, conventional and also SEXED! 23.11.2022
Genomic Holsteins data
You can find our Holsteins genomically tested on US and German base in the section "DOWNLOADS" - Dairy catalogue. The bulls tested on Czech base are enlisted in section Bulls Semen.
New dairy catalogue is available in section "Downloads" or click on » catalogue »
December brought a new star, polled bull Polledstar P. His genomic breeding values in the Switzerland are complete and sky high. His total index ISEL 1443 is comparable with indexes of very good polled bulls Earnhardt P (ISEL 1499), Chipper P (ISEL 1448) , Ladd (ISEL 1438) and better than best US polled bulls Shine P (ISEL 1406) and Discount (ISEL 1283). This AltaIota son offers high milk, good components, no holes in type traits and very good fitness. He is a good source of outcross for polled genetics because he is free of Lawn Boy and Mitey blood. For these reasons we use Polledstar as a bull father.
Two new Belgian Blue bulls on our station
The best cow in the Slovakia is daughter of Master
Top one in the Slovakia is cow Nr. SK000552955201 from Dan-Slovakia Agrar, a.s. Her father is the bull NBY 59 Stankenborgh Master from the breeding program of company Natural. She milked on the 3. Lactation (305 days) 16 674 kg milk with 4,27 % fat and 3,17 % protein.
Master has actually in the Czech Republic more than 4000 daughters and till this time he has very good breeding values: +509 kg of milk, +0,02 % fat and 0,06 % protein, 106 feet and legs, 100 udder. Master was born in 1993 and was proven not only in the Czech Republic, but in Hungary too. In Hungary kept two and half year position top one. Natural sold 160 000 doses of Master in total.
The new Belgian blue bull at the station